Cultural Evolution

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Cultural traditions, such as language and music, arise from complex cultural processes of human interaction and the transmission of knowledge. My work examines such processes by combining computational methods with cultural transmission experiments in complex production modalities, such as music and art. For example, I study how music changes over time as it is orally transmitted across participants, and how such dynamics are shaped by selection processes and underlying network structures.

Manuel Anglada Tort
Manuel Anglada Tort

I am a Lecturer in Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London, and a visiting researcher in the Computational Auditory Perception Group at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. I am interested in understanding the psychological and cultural foundations of complex social behaviour such as music and aesthetics, and the role they play in human societies and cultural evolution. My research combines computational methods with innovative psychological experiments to study how such behaviours emerge through the interplay of human cognition, social interaction, and cultural transmission.